A modern vocabulary of architecture and interior design would be unthinkable without the word wallpaper. Wallpaper has become an art in every sense of the word. Except for aesthetics, their functionality pushes boundaries. Today, they don’t have any limitations (can be wiped, washed, waterproof, fireproof, have sound and acoustic insulation, be paper, silk, textile, vinyl, ..) be hand-painted, and made from recycled materials, wood, cork, hemp ..) the possibilities are endless.
They are sold by the meter or in rolls of different widths. Apart from the walls, they can be used to cover the fronts of cabinets, and kitchen elements, they can even be placed in shower cabins instead of the tiles we are used to.
Taking into account its clients and their requirements, and following all world trends, the trend in its offer has a wide range of brands such as London Art, Ixel, Vescom, Casamance, Caselio, Casadeco, Zimmer + Rohde, Designers, Guilo.